Project Overview
This project aims to gain experience in creating and tuning a neural network for multiclass classification, specifically for predicting drought levels using meteorological data.
This project was a great succes, the final model produced by this project outperforms all other published projects on this dataset on
Project Structure
- droughtPrediction_EDA.ipynb: Basic Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
- droughtPrediction_DataEng.ipynb: Data preprocessing and feature engineering
- droughtPrediction_PyTorch_HP.ipynb: Hyperparameter tuning using PyTorch
- droughtPrediction_PyTorch_Final.ipynb: Final model evaluation and prediction pipeline
Model Architecture
(layers): ModuleList(
(0): Linear(in_features=52, out_features=1024, bias=True)
(1): Linear(in_features=1024, out_features=512, bias=True)
(2): Linear(in_features=512, out_features=256, bias=True)
(3): Linear(in_features=256, out_features=128, bias=True)
(4): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=6, bias=True)
(dropout): Dropout(p=0.2, inplace=False)
Final Hyperparameters
- Scheduler: StepLR (step_size: 10, gamma: 0.5)
- Dropout Probability: 0.2
- Hidden Layer Sizes: (1024, 512, 256, 128)
- Learning Rate: 0.001
Model Performance
- Loss: 0.6352
- Accuracy: 0.7337
- Macro F1 Mean: 0.6895
- MAE Mean: 0.3255
The data used for this project comes from Kaggle: US Drought Meteorological Data. The US drought monitor measures drought across the US, created manually by experts using a wide range of data.
Data Splits
Split | Year Range (inclusive) | Percentage (approximate) |
Train | 2000-2009 | 47% |
Validation | 2010-2011 | 10% |
Test | 2012-2020 | 43% |
Model Visualized
Model Explained
- Input Layer: The input tensor has a shape of
(1, 52)
, indicating a batch size of 1 and 52 input features. - First Linear Layer (layers.0):
- weights:layers.0.weight (1024, 52)
- bias:layers.0.bias (1024)
This layer maps the 52 input features to 1024 features using a linear transformation. - First Activation and Dropout: The output from the first linear layer passes through a ReLU activation function, followed by a dropout layer to introduce regularization. Represented by
. - Second Linear Layer (layers.1):
- weights:layers.1.weight (512, 1024)
- bias:layers.1.bias (512)
This layer takes the 1024 features from the previous layer and maps them to 512 features. - Second Activation and Dropout: Similar to the first layer, the output from the second linear layer passes through ReLU activation and dropout. Represented by
. - Third Linear Layer (layers.2):
- weights:layers.2.weight (256, 512)
- bias:layers.2.bias (256)
This layer reduces the 512 features to 256 features. - Third Activation and Dropout: Again, the output goes through ReLU activation and dropout. Represented by
. - Fourth Linear Layer (layers.3):
- weights:layers.3.weight (128, 256)
- bias:layers.3.bias (128)
This layer further reduces the features from 256 to 128. - Fourth Activation and Dropout: The output undergoes ReLU activation and dropout. Represented by
. - Fifth (Output) Linear Layer (layers.4):
- weights:layers.4.weight (6, 128)
- bias:layers.4.bias (6)
This final layer maps the 128 features to 6 output classes. - Output: The final output tensor has a shape of
(1, 6)
, representing the model's prediction probabilities for each of the 6 classes. - AccumulateGrad Nodes: These nodes (e.g.,
) represent the gradients that are accumulated during the backward pass for each parameter in the model. These gradients are used by the optimizer to update the model's parameters during training.